色譜分析 | ||
色譜法(層析法) | chromatography | |
固定相 | stationary phase | |
流動相 | mobile phase | |
超臨界流體色譜法 | SFC | |
高效毛細管電泳法 | high performance capillary electroporesis,HPEC | |
氣相色譜法 | gas chromatography,GC | |
液相色譜法 | liquid cromatography,LC | |
超臨界流體色譜法 | supercritical fluid chromatography,SFC | |
氣-固色譜法 | GSC | |
氣-液色譜法 | GLC | |
液-固色譜法 | LSC | |
液-液色譜法 | LLC | |
柱色譜法 | column chromatography | |
填充柱 | packed column | |
毛細管柱 | capillary column | |
微填充柱 | icrobore packed column | |
高效液相色譜法 | high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC | |
平板色譜法 | planar | |
平板色譜法 | plane chromatography | |
紙色譜法 | paper chromatography | |
薄層色譜法 | thin layer chromatography,TLC | |
薄膜色譜法; | thiin film chomatography | |
毛細管電泳法 | capillary electrophoresis,CE | |
分配色譜法 | partition chromatography | |
吸附色譜法 | adsorpion chromaography | |
離子交換色譜法 | ion exchange chromatography,IEC | |
空間排阻色譜法 | steric exclusion chromatography,SEC | |
親和色譜法 | affinity chromatography | |
分配系數(shù) | distribution cofficient | |
狹義分配系數(shù) | partition coefficient | |
凝膠色譜法 | gel chromatography | |
凝膠滲透色譜法 | gel permeation chromatography,GPC | |
凝膠過濾色譜法 | gel filtration chromatography,GFC | |
滲透系數(shù) | permeation coefficien;Kp | |
化學鍵合相色譜法 | chemically bonded-phase chromatography | |
分配系數(shù) | distribution coefficient | |
靛菁綠 | indocyanine | |
氣相色譜-傅立葉變換紅外光譜 | GC-FTIR | |
薄層色譜法 | TLC | |
吸附 | adsorption | |
活化 | activation | |
脫活性 | deactivation | |
交聯(lián)度 | degree of cross linking | |
交換容量 | exchange capacity | |
薄層板 | thin layer plate | |
展開劑 | developing solvent ,developer | |
臨界膠束濃度 | criticak micolle concentration ,CMC | |
相對比移值 | relative Rf, Rr | |
分離度 | resolution ,R | |
分離數(shù) | separation number,SN | |
煅石膏 | Gypsum | |
羧甲基纖維素鈉 | CMC-Na | |
吸收光譜聯(lián)用 | TLC-UV | |
薄層色譜-熒光聯(lián)用 | TLC-F | |
薄層色譜-紅外吸收光譜聯(lián)用 | TLC-IR | |
薄層色譜法 | TLC-MS | |
紙色譜法 | paper chromatography | |
上行展開 | ascending development | |
下行法展開 | descending development | |
雙向展開 | two dimensional develoooment | |
氣相色譜法 | gas chromatography | |
前延峰 | leading peak | |
拖尾峰 | tailing peak | |
對稱因子 | symmetry factor,fs | |
保留時間 | retention time | |
保留體積 | retention volume | |
死時間 | dead time | |
調整保留時間 | asjusted retention time | |
半峰寬 | peak width at half height,W1/2 or Y1/2 | |
峰寬 | peak width,W | |
等溫線 | isotherm | |
理論塔板高度 | height equivalent to atheoretical plate | |
化學鍵合相 | chemically bonded phase | |
丁二酸二乙二醇聚酯 | polydiethylene glycol succinate,PDEGS,DEGS | |
高分子多孔微球 | GDX | |
苯乙烯 | STY | |
乙基乙烯苯 | EST | |
二乙烯苯 | DVB | |
涂壁毛細管柱 | wall coated open tubular column,WCOT | |
載體涂層毛細管柱 | supprot coated open tubular column,SCOT | |
熱導檢測器 | thermal conductivity detector,TCD | |
氫焰離子化檢測器 | hydrogen flame ionization detector,FID | |
電子捕獲檢測器 | electron capture detector ,ECD | |
噪聲 | noise,N | |
漂移 | drift,d | |
靈敏度 | sensitivity | |
檢測限(敏感度) | detectability,D,M | |
分離度 | resolution | |
歸一化法 | normalization method | |
外標法 | external standardization | |
高效液相色譜 | ||
高效液相色譜法 | high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC | |
高速液相色譜法 | high speed LC,HSLC | |
高壓液相色譜法 | high pressure LC,HPLC | |
高分辨液相色譜法 | high resolution LC,HRLC | |
液固吸附色譜法(液固色譜法) | liquid-solid adsorption chromatography,LSC | |
液液色譜法 | liquid-liquid chromatography,LLC | |
正相 | normal phase,NP | |
反相 | reversed phase,RP | |
化學鍵合相色譜法 | bonded phase chromatography,BPC | |
十八烷基 | octadecylselyl,ODS | |
離子對色譜法 | paired ion chromatography,PIC | |
反相離子對色譜法 | RPIC | |
離子抑制色譜法 | ion suppression chromatography,ISC | |
離子色譜法 | ion chromatography,IC | |
手性色譜法 | chiral chromatography,CC | |
環(huán)糊精色譜法 | cyclodextrin chromatography,CDC | |
膠束色譜法 | micellar chromatography,MC | |
親和色譜法 | affinity chromatography,AC | |
固定相 | stationary phase | |
化學鍵合相 | chemically bonde phase | |
封尾、封頂、遮蓋 | end capping | |
手性固定相 | chiral stationary phase,CSP | |
恒組成溶劑洗脫 | isocraic elution | |
梯度洗脫 | gradient elution | |
紫外檢測器 | ultraviolet detector,UVD | |
熒光檢測器 | fluorophotomeric detector,FD | |
電化學檢測器 | ECD | |
示差折光檢測器 | RID | |
光電二極管檢測器 | photodiode array detector ,DAD | |
三維光譜-波譜圖 | 3D-spectrochromatogram | |
蒸發(fā)光散射檢測器 | evaporative light scattering detector,ELSD | |
安培檢測器 | ampere detector,AD | |
高效毛細管電泳法 | high performance capillary electrophoresis,HPCE | |
淌度 | mobility | |
電泳 | electrophoresis | |
電滲 | electroosmosis | |
動力進樣 | hydrodynamic injection | |
電動進樣 | electrokinetic injection | |
毛細管區(qū)帶電泳法 | capillary zone electrophoresis,CZE | |
膠束電動毛細管色譜 | micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography,MECC | |
毛細管凝膠電泳 | capillary gel electrophoresis,CGE | |
篩分 | sieving | |